I Joined A Book Club
I joined a book club:
This week I finally got around to reading Chip Huyen’s fantastic new-ish book “Designing Machine Learning Systems” after coming across the title on Twitter. It’s a short overview of the entire lifecycle of MlOps from Data Inspection to Model Serving. It also has a lot of useful interviews discussing the state of the art when it comes to database technologies and orchestrators used throughout the industry. Maybe I’ll have a separate post later, but it’s actually not what I’m here to talk about. You see this book came about after I started searching for discussion about this book upon completion (as one is often compelled to do). When I did that, I came upon this:
This is an interview between the author, Chip Huyen, and Sophia Yang on her youtube channel. A quick look at the channel videos and you’ll see that it’s full of monthly author interviews on some incredibly interesting books. Poke around a bit more and there’s a discord link to join her book club. It’s been going for just a little over a year but it’s full of detailed notes on each book, lively discussions and finally, the opportunity to ask the book author’s questions of your own if you read along. If you’re looking to join, we just ran a poll in the club voting for our favorite book of the year. Results below:
Sebastian Raschka was voted favorite of the year for his recently retitled book: Machine Learning and AI Beyond the Basics
I’ve personally only read 4-5 of the books to date, but each has had it’s uses. You can see a full list of titles above, I’m hoping to read all but one or two. Currently working on the fan favorite (Machine Learning and AI Beyond the Basics) and Machine Learning Design Patterns. Hop on discord if you’d like to discuss!